Thursday, November 15, 2007

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Why this blog

This blog was created in the hope of providing useful information to all those who are about to join the club of the circumcision, dispelling myths and fears, bringing impartial testimonies of those who have made this simple. Anyone can contribute to the growth of blogs bringing their own witness or suggesting useful Internet sites and resources related to circumcision.
What we read are not the opinions of doctors but to patients who have undergone the operation and share their experience with our readers. In this section you can ask some questions and answers about circumcision in general, but avoid asking medical advice about your situation, this is not a forum for medicine, for medical advice, please contact always by your doctor specialist.

For those who want to learn more about circumcision recommend us

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visits and prayers

Circumcision can be done at any age, it is certainly more frequent as children, often is not done even in teenage As soon as the boy begins to show the first symptoms. However, it can not happen to have never had any problems and to develop an infection that causes adult phimosis and therefore requires circumcision. The latter case is what I know from personal experience, start with a small irritation, thinking that will reassure you in a few days ... , Remain banned when you see that gets worse ... and after a month you've invented a couple of special prayers for the problem to disappear by magic. When we review the evidence that the prayers do not get the expected results will be the specialist. Most sgam meanwhile have already made a culture through the Internet and go to the specialist with a single thought: "just tell me some ointment." I still feel that someone has solved a phimosis with an ointment (in a final and effective mean) if you beat a shot, because this ointment its weight in gold would be bought by many people ....
Ok, it was decided to go to the specialist ... but which one? the choices are mainly 3, urologist, urologist, dermatologist (preferably specialized in venereal disease)
You can ask your general practitioner to make a binding and then book a tour through the National Health Service ... hoping to be lucky in some regions because the dates for appointments involve months of waiting.
The alternative is paying a private visit (You must count from 100 to 170 euro).
reject the hypothesis of the pilgrimage and delays in waiting for everything to disappear in just a couple of weeks do not work ... believe me.

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One day you dream Merlin appears and asks you: "Choose where you would like to avoid that you will get the points?" What do you say? ... As you may have guessed all men, the answer is the same.
The wait was definitely the worst, the doctor has already explained what is the procedure and we are scared, there are at least two or three things that just do not like: local anesthesia with syringe, cutting the sutures. There is documented, read other people's experiences on the Internet, and if you are not capable of handling the situation well builds up stress.
During this time I would avoid going to comb through these forums where this topic .. you will always find it strange, that it has made the operation a few years earlier and describes it as a terrible thing with excruciating pain in the following days. Nonsense. Now that I write I had the operation by some days and I can say that contrary to what one can imagine the pain is minimal and negligible. Describe in detail the various phases of the operation in the link provided.
This blog is what 'I wanted to read before the operation. If you're in the waiting period or evaluating what to do, my words probably will be very useful for you.

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Operation Hold The

What follows is the result of personal experience and comments from Hot from other patients who suffered the same surgery the same day.
The operation is defined by experts as a simple task. I do not push so much, especially if you have never been subjected to any belief is difficult to associate the word with a simple operation surgery in an area as delicate as important in our body.
I was comforted by the fact that usually is done in day hospital, that will work and send you away the same day. Actually it is not always the case, some hospitals will hold a couple of days .. do not bet on real medical necessity of admission ... but here come into play in the economic evaluations on which I will not dwell.
After the difficult period of waiting, past the heavy hours before the operation, then you get in front of a surgeon. Before the operation you will be given an anesthetic cream, is absolutely painless ... I will make the true anesthetic syringe, we can compare it to the injection of the dentist with the difference that this anesthetic has a longer duration. The question you're whisking in head BUT HOW BAD WILL '? actually feel a dull ache for a second every time he bites you, but I have several pinprick less annoying than the dentist. I would say that the "pain" you will hear will be largely the result of your expectations, if you start to worry as of now the time of injection then amplify any sense, go quiet and you'll find in a light injection.
come into play other factors, such as the skill of the doctors and nurses to make the atmosphere calm during my operation was a CD that was played and talked and joked to calm the situation (my power ... because obviously I was the only one strain).
There is one thing that will make you happy, however, the discomfort of the injection will be the first and only you will hear, the fact that you can forget about being there.
After a few minutes starts the operation itself and you will not even notice what they're doing. In my case if I wanted I could also watch while operating but I preferred to look at the ceiling, other patients told me that they had seen much of this work ... everyone regulate at will. For a technical description of the operation, I refer you to the video at the bottom of this section where an expert explains clearly the operation.
La durata dell'operazione è piuttosto lunga... dal momento dell'iniezione a quando sono uscito è trascorsa quasi un ora di cui credo una mezzora di intervento. Se ci si rilassa , si ascolta la musica o ci si distrae il tempo passa invece rimanete in tensione tutto il tempo, pur essendo assolutamente indolore diventa stressante e non si vede l'ora di andare via.
L'intervento può esser fatto in ambulatorio o in sala chirurgica. Se fatto in ambulatorio entrerete e uscirete con le vostre gambe senza nessun problema.

Se volete vedere 2 video dove viene spiegata la dinamica dell'operazione: VIDEO

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The days following the operation

Anche qui voglio sfatare delle false leggende. In rete potreste leggere all ... severe pain, which pull points frighteningly, pain when you go to the bathroom and so on.
But I say unto you: it depends.
In my case I'm really surprised ... I did not take any painkiller, I have scarcely ever felt pain on the day of the operation I started to feel a little sensitive when it passed the anesthetic but not already in the evening I had no discomfort. Other hospital patients had only one fear ... to go to the bathroom to urinate. And I must admit that I have seen people who had bravely faced all the previous steps keep cursing in tongues when they went to the bathroom. Beware though, the pain lasted a few minutes in each case after urinato e si trattava di bruciore... niente di insopportabile. Perchè ad alcuni capita e ad altri no? la conclusione cui siamo giunti noi pazienti è che dipenda dal tipo di fimosi, se avete una fimosi non serrata che si è verificata improvvisamente e siete intervenuti in tempi brevi non avrete alcun problema, se invece la fimosi era serrata e la pelle nell'arco di mesi ha fatto aderenza al glande allora probabilmente durante l'intervento subirete una irritazione del glande che poi vi causerà del bruciore quando urinate.
Sfatiamo anche il falso mito dei punti che strappano durante erezioni involontarie (ogni notte tutti noi uomini abbiamo erezioni anche senza accorgercene) magari vi sveglierete sentendo tirare qualcosa la sotto.. ma non proverete pain ... and not tear anything, just leave him in peace and leave you in peace.
After the operation you will be given antibiotics, you will learn how to treat the wound (in my case 3 times a day with water solution of boric acid).
You will notice a swelling that will remain for some days, it is normal because you have undergone a surgical operation.
Basic wire the first few days our friend with gauze and plaster so that it is always on top, leaving him hanging at the bottom will swell further due to the flow of blood, all these things will tell you better when you bind up the surgeon at the end of 'transaction.
The wound did not lose much blood ... you'll see maybe a little on the benda quando la sostituirete, ma veramente poca cosa.
Personalmente mi son preso una settimana di riposo, anche se non avrete dolore certo non potrete correre , dovrete evitare movimenti bruschi, la zona rimarrà sensibile per diversi giorni.
I punti cadranno da soli dopo 2 -3 settimane. Una volta caduti applicherete una pomata elasticizzante in base alle indicazioni del vostro chirurgo.
Tutto ciò che leggete nei miei post sono frutto di esperienza personale o di altri pazienti conosciuti di persona nel periodo dell'intervento, è possibile che il vostro intervento sia diverso, che le prescrizioni del vostro medico siano differenti, lo scopo di questo post è semplicemente quello di darvi una prima idea approssimativa di cosa possa lead to an intervention of circumcision.

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Advantages and disadvantages

Here in Europe we circumcising especially for medical reasons, do not rule out that someone close to the world of Islam and decided to work for religious reasons .. However, I believe that the majority of responses from the circumcision of adults is due to reasons of necessity.
If you have a phimosis since birth or born suddenly in most cases you will be shown circumcision as the only solution (not always, in some cases would suggest a visit to a specialist dermatologist, but this decision will be up to your specialist will visit you)
When I made the visit to the urologist told me that if I wanted I could also groped with some cream but after a few months I probably would still have had to be circumcised, so I decided to take the bull by the horns and quickly book the operation.
premise that if you have a phimosis speech benefits makes no sense, with a sudden onset phimosis from birth or in adulthood do not think there is even the question to be asked to do, but I speak the following advantages compared to a healthy person does not circumcised.
The benefits are both hygienic type, always being discovered, the glans is not exposed to the proliferation of bacteria, is of a sexual nature with regard to the duration of the relationship: a circumcised man generally has a duration of greater value than non-circumcised This is partly due to the lower sensitivity of the glans that it remained open and is also less sensitive to the absence of the foreskin.
The disadvantages? I did not find any drawback, however, to be fair I must point out some disadvantages that signal, in particular the least sensitivity to some seems to be more a disadvantage than an advantage, we must also point out that even a small percentage is always the risk that the 'operation is not performed "to perfection" by the surgeon, the statistics tell us that there is no risk-free surgery even if according to the specialists circumcision is a very simple intervention from their point of view. Personally I am not a fan of circumcision, not to circumcise my son if there was a medical reason, but at the same time I would not worry if a specialist considers expedient to resolve a circumcision for phimosis or other problems.
omit the discussion of aesthetic preferences between a circumcised and an uncircumcised penis that I think it is time to leave.

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If you have questions about circumcision in general read the comments or send your comment below
Anyone can contribute and respond to questions in the blog posting a comment.
Avoid questions about your specific case, here there are no doctors, only your doctor can give you medical advice.

thank Alberto I noted the birth of the forum were of the circumcision, to you around the alert by entering the address: / forum