Sunday, January 30, 2011

Chewing Tobacco Mini Pouch

Parto Col Folle *** iTALiAN.MD. BDRip.XviD -ZEN

Titolo originale: Due Date
Nazione: USA
Anno: 2010
Genere: Commedia
Durata: 100 Min
Regia: Todd Phillips
Cast: Robert Downey Jr., Zach Galifianakis, Michelle Monaghan, Juliette Lewis, Jamie Foxx, Alan Arkin, Danny McBride, RZA, Matt Walsh, Rhoda Griffis, James Martin Kelly
Uscita : Venerdì 28/01/2011  (al cinema)

NO Password

Offroad Rack And Pinion

Animal United *** iTALiAN.MD .BDRip-XviD -ZEN

Original title: Die Konferenz der Tiere
Country: Germany
Year: 2010
Genre: Animation
Length: 93 '
Directed by: Reinhard Klooss, Holger Tappe
Release Date: January 21, 2011 (cinema)
http://www.megaupload. com /? d = 3DECY1K4
http : / /

No password

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Long Travel Suspension Blue Prints

Anticaptcha per Jdownloader. Aggiornamento 25.01.11

will know that the battle between the managers of the hosts, who tend to pay the premium account, and the "idle surge", which tend to not drop a cent, never ends.
This means, among other things, updating systems that reCAPTCHA, ultimamanete, are awkward to decipher even the most nimble in humans.
So that, given the laziness of the human physiological and then the need to take a nap, they can not spend your life in front of the PC to provide the captcha, some applications update anticaptcha reCAPTCHA when the systems are changed. What is a
attach anticaptcha Jdownloader for fresh, fresh, updated to 23.1.11, which personally tested at the time that it is a pleasure.
Obviously this, like its predecessors, I believe that it will have to succumb to find new reCAPTCHA. In the meantime let's enjoy ...

E 'of English origin (great masters of the English) and is an installer.
will find an exe file in the zip file (and a micragnoso file instructions), just double click the exe, tell the installer where you have previously installed jdownloader, and you're done!
Enjoy! Ad Maiora

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Cheats Para O Pokemon Fire Red

Review HYIP and PTC (25-01-2011)

Buongiorno gente!!!
Eccoci qui anche oggi, pronti per una nuova rassegna ma questa volta molto più lunga, infatti andremo a vedere anche la situazione delle PTC!!!

Avete notato i cambiamenti del blog? Eheheh, ho deciso di rendere più funzionale le chart a lato, modificandole un pochino così da poter essere consultate più rapidamente ed, al tempo stesso, fornire informazioni utili!!
I think it is a very useful tool and I hope it is just for you hehe!

Well, we are ready to go, and we begin by PTC, which (I do not want managers) I have reviewed for a long time.
I remind you, as always, that:

In GREEN will see the programs that are PAYING
In YELLOW will see the programs being TEST
In BLUE will see the programs in awaiting payment
In ORANGE will see the programs in WARNING
In RED will see the programs SCAM / CLOSED


the first place, how and where we had left, there is the monumental Neobux!
Online for years and especially ALWAYS PAYING , is the backbone of the PTC.
What can I say more? Who has not yet joined Neobux , I think it is good to join the flight eheheh!

2. Italy Business

Runner, a breath away from Neobux , we find Italy Business !
all PTC Italian, online and paying for years! Payments
rapid and very high earnings, with special gl'utenti gold (obviously). Unlike many other PTC (as Neobux ), Italy Business , allows users to become gold, with a very small cost! Indeed
with only $ 15 become gold members and over agl'ads usual, you have 5 ads SAFE DAY from $ 0.02! In addition, each month is credited to 1000 PTR credit links, we can use or keep for when we serve!
That is, a very good income, a stability that now has lasted for years and always on time payments, these are the three points which I summarize in brief Italia Business !!
Sinceramente, è forse la prima PTC, che credo possa scalzare Neobux , dalla vetta!

3. RoxPTC

Terza posizione per RoxPTC !
Enorme evoluzione per questa PTC tutta italiana, con una crescita costante e una conferma dopo l'altra dell'ottimo lavoro che l'admin sta svolgendo.
La crescita per RoxPTC , come ogni progetto ben gestito, è avvenuta sia in termini di utenti, sia in termini di guadagni possibili! Ultimamente, infatti, è stata introdotta la possibilità di diventare utenti oro a basso costo , ie only $ 20 you can dramatically increase your profits! A
that can go in more, offered by the admin of RoxPTC , even if you have a little 'economic restrittezze "is eager to invest in a good project, well built and seriously!

4. PTC Pubbliweb

Fourth position for PTC Pubbliweb ! This
PTC, all Italian, I had an exponential growth in time, without losing sight of the seriousness and good management!
earnings on PTC Pubbliweb are good and also there is the possibility to become premium members and earn much more, for a small fee! Enough, in fact, only $ 20 to become members premium economy and increase revenue!
There's no denying, compliments and congratulations to the admin PTC Pubbliweb !

5. OnBux

OnBux fifth place, the little brother of Neobux!
Throughout this period, never a problem, never a late payment ... well, it seems well beyond the setting very similar to Neobux, instant payments, and (alas) to costi delle membership (che sinceramenta, alle volte, mi sembrano un filo esagerate), OnBux abbia carpito dal più blasonato Neobux , anche la serietà!
Ottimo direi!!

6. Il Portale Italiano

In sesta posizione troviamo Il Portale Italiano ...altra PTC italiana, ottimamente gestita dallo stesso amin di Ptc Pubbliweb !!
Anche qui, abbiamo buone possibilità di guadagno e l'immancabile upgrade dai costi contenuti che, con soli $15, ci farà diventare utenti gold economy e ci permetterà notevoli guadagni in più!
Ovviamente, sulla gestione, not much to say, since the admin de The Italian portal, as mentioned before, is the same PTC Pubbliweb ... so serious and careful management, are also the cornerstones of this PTC! !

7. DollarFastMoney

Seventh streets to DollarFastMoney !
continued his journey without a hitch, this PTC ... the third, after The Italian portal and PTC Pubbliweb for this admin!
different characteristics than the other PTC, say more like Neobux but always with a precise management and payments as accurate!
Well, since the admin is the same, one could not expect more ... and say quietly, so that's fine with us eheheh!

8. Incrasebux

In eighth place, we find Incrasebux ! Nothing new to report. They are currently awaiting a payment (normal, not upgrade), but the program is paying as evidenced by proof of payment on the forum Incrasebux

9. Matrixmails
MatrixMails - Get paid

Ninth position MatrixMails ! Nothing new to report, apart from the fact that, as PTC's worth, the problem is a shortage of ads available ... a real shame.

10. AdsAgain

tenth AdsAgain trivia!
Italian PTC, based on the "classic model" of the PTC and very well managed so far (the admin was the same RoxPTC , then a guarantee heheh). In these days, there was a change of admin and admin took over another Italian, also owner of another PTC will meet soon ( Super-PTC) and that, although for the time being I'm still testing, posso già dirvi che è ben gestita...quindi sono convinto che anche AdsAgain continuerà ad essere gestita ottimamente!
Beh, a questo punto non mi resta che fare il mio "in bocca al Lupo" al nuovo Admin!!!

11. Clownclickers

12. OfficePTC

13. Super-PTC

14. PalmBux

In quattordicesima piazza, PalmBux , che rientra dopo i problemi had in the past. Currently I'm testing, though, looking at the posted proof of payment, it is paying!

15. Cashium

Fifteenth instead Cashium . For him, the problems of the past seem outdated. The same fate had befallen
PalmBux thus also for Cashium

16. PTC Studio

17. BuxSpace

New entry, announcing in recent weeks already!
BuxSpace, occupies the last position only per una mera questione di nascita! La gestione è la stessa di DollarFastMoney , Il Portale Italiano e Ptc Pubbliweb , quindi c'è da aspettarsi una rapida ascesa anche per questa PTC!!

18. BuxP (Warning)
Attualmente ci sono problemi di accesso al sito.

Le PTC in test (salvo alcune) per ovvi motivi non hanno una recensione. Resta il fatto che, per quanto risulta dalle prove di pagamento ritrovate, si possono considerare PAGANTI !

Vediamo ora, come si sono comportate le compagnie HYIP seguite.
Purtroppo tocca aprire la parte rassegna HYIP, registrando i problemi di Mutual Treaty ! I pagamenti non vengono evasi e già su alcuni monitor risulta SCAM!
Ennesima compagnia, dunque, che si appresta a uscire di scena...!
Veramente un peccato, perchè aveva buoni piani e soprattutto sostenibili.
Per il momento, rimane in warning, sperando in recupero (anche se, dall mia esperienza, questo non accade praticamente mai).
Non c'è che dire, il 2011 è iniziato con una strage di programmi!
Ma veniamo a noi, come sempre la legenda resta la stessa di sempre (quella indicata all'inizio) e dunque siamo pronti a partire...!


unchanged Prime location! Stay in command SpazioIb which has only been a small problem of access (due to the host server) and is promptly reported by the admin members!
Nothing to worry about, it was a matter of few hours, so everything back to normal!
Of note, the veocità by which the support, spoke and answered questions from members, a sign of professionalism that already, over time, we could see!
plans offered by SpazioIb are always the same, but better to remember them anyway:

1. Daily - Min $ 1 Max $ 300 - 1.5% per day - Duration 90 days
2. Bi-weekly - Min $ 30 Max $ 500 - 13% ongi two weeks - Duration 180 days
3. Annual - Min $ 100 Max $ 1000 - 16.5% per month - 1 year
4. Weekly - Min $ 30 Max $ 500 - 4% per week - 120 days duration - Return of capital investment at the end!

Payment Systems:


leaps to second Ez-Profit that after the problems and just had a control period, back to the status of auction! Thus, payments taken some time ... all returned checks and regularity

Payment Systems:

Macro Trade - Actions speak louder than words

Before the new entry, in third place, Macrotrade From my part I am still testing but I have already received payment, then go right to the status of the auction!
a full review shortly.



6. Mutual Treaty (Warning)

falls in last place Mutual Treaty and shall enter into Warning.
The reason is simple, and unfortunately, those who typically do not allow companies to escape ... that delays or missed payments.
wait another week (and is already the second), before setting it as a Scam.

Payment Systems:
and Solid Trust Pay

For now anyway's it folks, next time!!

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Starter Motor Trouble Vw Camper

Perfect Investment Funds

Hello people!
It 's amazing, but I'm still here to talk about Perfect Investment Funds ... and obviously not in a positive way. Why (you ask yourself)? Simple ... because this company (or your admin), seems to study every method imaginable to scam further.
E 'was, in fact, sent an email agl'iscritti the program, which I report in full:

"Hello. As you see, that we have changes some things at our homepage, also we have now only 2 payment processors. As we had many attacks to our AP, LR, PM accounts, then we left only LR and PM payment processors, and also we received from forex more than 30 000 dollars for withdraws, and we can start again all withdraws, which has been marked as send, but you didn`t receiv, so we need necessary things;

As we left only LR and PM payment processors, we need to register you to our database, and you will receiv all marked as sent withdraws, which you didn`t receiv, so, you need to make a payment to our official LR account - U0508596 (PerfectInvestmentFunds) or PM account - U2766045 ( 5 USD dollars, in MEMO write YOUR USERNAME and our system will automaticaly register your username, and will send to your LR account all withdrawn unreceived payments + these received 5 USD also will receiv.
More information via email or contact form."

In parole povere, per chi non mastica bene l'inglese, in questa mail si dice che:

"hanno modificato i loro sistemi di pagamento, riducendoli a 2 ( Perfect Money e Liberty Reserve ) and also received $ 30,000 from the forex, for payments, and then may start to pay "

So far, so good ... as suspected something, but why do not you believe him?
Well, it is the second part to convince me not to believe him! fact say:

"Now they have only two systems of payment and must register in their database in order to make the payments. This is possible by sending $ 5 to one of their accounts so that the system automatically add us and we can pay the arrears plus $ 5 "

Now ... Needless to say that this procedure sia MOOOOLTO strana...!
Diffidate da queste avessero voluto veramente fare una cosa del genere, con un sistema automatico di registrazione, avrebbero fatto inviare $0.1, visto che sia Liberty Reserve che Perfect Money consento transazioni di questo tipo! Inoltre, è inutile dire che, sarebbe stato ancora più normale, effettuare i pagamenti "a mano" utilizzando i dati presenti nel sito!
Sono loro che hanno cambiato account, mica noi iscritti!!!

Quindi, anche in questo caso, OCCHI BENE APERTI!!!

Saturday, January 22, 2011

How To Make Barley Malt At Home


New Entry per quanto riguarda le PTC!!!
Si tratta di BuxSpace , l'ultima PTC nata dagli stessi amministratori di Ptc Pubbliweb , Il Portale Italiano , Gruppo Business e Dollar Fast Money !!
Che dire, le premesse ci sono tutte, lo staff anche, quindi, in attesa di pubblicare un articolo su questa nuova PTC, non mi resta che darle in benvenuto ed augurarle lunga vita!!!

Friday, January 14, 2011

8 Cageplans On Rabbit Hutch

HYIP Review (14-01-2011)

Buongiorno gente!!! Eccoci qui per la prima rassegna HYIP del 2011!!!
Passate bene le vacanze? Spero proprio yes! Open

immediately by noting the disappearance of Perfect Investiment Funds which has now become definitely SCAM! Do
CAREFULLY because these "lords " have not only stopped paying, but are trying to "gather enough" more money in every way possible.
Without the fact that the site is still online and bearing the words "online support" (needless to write, not responding ).... you recently sent an email in which:

"apologize that some as payments are made on the site but in reality, were never received by investors "

e ovviamente (e come poteva mancare la promessa tipica?)...

"si prodigano, a effettuare l'invio dei soldi richiesti!!"

Bene, dopo una settimana, di questi soldi, nemmeno l'ombra. Beh, che dire, salutiamo quindi questa compagnia, che comunque, per i più attenti, ha regalato qualche soddisfazione e proseguiamo per il nostro cammino.
Per una compagnia che se ne va...ce nè una che sembra, rientrare nei giusti binari. Sto parlando di Ez-Profit ! Bene, dopo qualche difficoltà, che l'ha portata a livello WARNING, sembra che le cose stiano per tornare a girare bene!!
Sono infatti già 3 i pagamenti che I have received, after the problem made some weeks ago (for those who do not want to comb through the blog, I remember that I made a request for payment and it was canceled).
To remove the status of warning, however, I'll wait another week, in the meantime, send me an email with your feedback so that we can get feedback as truthful as possible!

Well, we are ready to go, remembering that:

In GREEN will see the programs that are PAYING
In YELLOW will see the programs being TEST
In ORANGE will lists the programs in WARNING
In RED will see the programs SCAM / CLOSED


SpazioIb remains firmly at the top of our list! Now online for almost 1 year, this company (which I remember is run by an Italian), continues its relentless march!
In total, SpazioIb offers 4 levels of investment are:

1. Daily - Min $ 1 Max $ 300 - 1.5% per day - Duration 90 days
2. Bi-weekly - Min $ 30 Max $ 500 - 13% ongi two weeks - Duration 180 days
3. Annual - Min $ 100 Max $ 1000 - 16.5% per month - 1 year
4. Weekly - Min $ 30 Max $ 500 - 4% per week - 120 days duration - Return of capital investment at the end!

Payment Systems:

2. Mutual Treaty

Second place for Mutual Treaty !
Sorry to say, because this company seemed to have all the requirements to become the main protagonist (except against SpazioIb ), but lately, we were the first late payment and more.
In practice, it is repeated here, the problem I had with Ez-Profit ... namely, the withdrawal request (made on January 12 with a lot of mail telling me that the request) has magically disappeared! Here too, the money returned to their place (the account), it is clear ... but it is the first time it occurs, and above all, after another request dealt with a little 'late.
What can I say, I hope that these mistakes are caused by the holidays, partly because, as I said before, this fellow seems to have good basics ... but we know in this world, just a very big investment, a good company to push a. eheheh ..... well you understand!

In detail, Mutual Treaty, offers the following investment plans:

1. Starter - Min $ 10 Max $ 5,000 - 2% per day - Duration 100 Days - Compounding: No
2. Professional - Min $ 5,001 - $ 30,000 Max - 2.2% per day - Duration 100 Days - Compounding: Yes
3. Superior - At least $ 30,001 - 2.4% per day - Duration 100 Days - Compounding: Yes

capital is not restored at the end, but is integrated negl'interessi that accrued daily. So the gain is, respectively, 100% for the first floor, 120% to 140% for the second and third, compounding excluded!

Payment Systems:
and Solid Trust Pay

3.Ez-Profit (WARNING)

remains in WARNING Ez-Profit , as I said to ' beginning, for at least a week or so. I already received payment but I want to go with 3 feet of lead ....

Payment Systems:

4. Perfect Investment Funds (SCAM)

greet final disclosure Perfect Investiment Funds become permanently SCAM.
I remind you, once again, pay attention to email this company, for the reasons stated in the opening!

Payment Systems:

As the most attentive of you may have already noticed, there's a new entry in the standings but has not yet been reviewed and cited in the review . This is Depositary Safe!
Well, I'm currently taking place, so for the moment I do not have much info to give you. Still leaves the link provided for "the most daring" eheheh!
Coming Soon another company ... but this very molto molto differente da tutte le altre HYIP. Per il momento non vi svelo il nome perchè, prima, voglio verificare alcune cose.
Vi dico solo che, per questa compagnia, alcuni investitori hanno richiesto e ricevuto, le carte riguardanti i propri investimenti...autenticate da timbri, firme e loghi con ologramma delle società nelle quali si è investito!
Che dire, restando con i piedi ben saldi a terra, se tutto questo è vero, si tratterebbe di investimenti seri e con quella piccola garanzia in più, che non guasta mai!!!

Per oggi comunque è tutto gente, alla prossima!!!!